Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Get Matching DLLs in VS Solution

Option Explicit
' need args for (0) SolutionDir (1) ilmerge executable (2) .snk file (3) /ver (4) output dll (5) Solution Project dir 
'(6) primary assembly file name e.g. "mylib.dll" (7) pubkey string of target DLLs e.g. "abcd123456787651"
'Ex: c:\Temp\>CreateMABat.vbs "C:\MySolution\" "c:\ilmerge\ilmerge.exe" "C:\MySolution\MyMainProject\MyNamespace.snk" "c:\MySolution\MyMainProject\Dlls\CombinedLibrary.dll" "c:\MySolution\MyMainProject\" MyFirstDep.dll abcd123456787651
Dim args, pubKeyStr, matchingDLLs, objFSO, objShell, DictDlls
Dim oMergeBat
Dim oFS
Set args = WScript.Arguments
pubKeyStr = args(7)
matchingDLLs = GetNewDllsThatMatchKey (args(0), pubKeyStr, args(6))

Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oMergeBat = oFS.CreateTextFile(args(5) + "MergeAssemblies.bat", true)
oMergeBat.WriteLine("@ECHO OFF")
oMergeBat.WriteLine("@ECHO This script is generated by createMergeAssemblies.vbs")
oMergeBat.WriteLine("@ECHO ...starting the merge program")
oMergeBat.WriteLine("@ECHO ...")
oMergeBat.WriteLine("@ECHO ...")
oMergeBat.WriteLine("""" + args(1) + """ /ndebug /t:library /keyfile:""" + args(2) + """ /ver:" + args(3) + " /out:""" + args(4) + """ " + matchingDLLs)
oMergeBat.WriteLine("@ECHO ...merging process complete")

'WScript.Echo result

' given a root directory find all .dlls in subdirectories (exclude the root directory) 
' for each dll found
'  get its public key
' if it matches a pubkeyparamStr
'  check dllsdict for key matching its filename
'  if not found insert it
'  if found 
'   compare its last modified date against existing file found
'   if newer, replace dict entry
Function GetNewDllsThatMatchKey(ByVal filePath, ByVal snKey, ByVal firstDll)
 Dim i, a, resultStr
 Set dictDlls = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 GetDictOfDlls filePath, "DLL"
 resultStr = """" & dictDlls.Item(firstDll) & """"
 a = dictDlls.Keys
 For i=0 to dictDlls.Count-1
  resultStr = resultStr & " """ & dictDlls.Item(a(i)) & """"
 ' WScript.Echo a(i)
 ' WScript.Echo dictDlls.Item(a(i))
 GetNewDllsThatMatchKey = resultStr
End Function

Sub GetDictOfDlls(ByVal strDirectory, ByVal strExtSought)
 Dim objFolder, objSubFolder, objFile, filePubKey, objKeyFile
 Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
 objShell.CurrentDirectory = strDirectory
 For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
  ' WScript.Echo objFile.Path

  If Right(Ucase(objFile.Path),Len(strExtSought)+1) = "." & strExtSought Then
   filePubKey = GetFilePubKeyStr(objFile.Name)
   If pubKeyStr = filePubKey Then
    If dictDlls.Exists(objFile.Name) = True Then
     'WScript.Echo "Exists " & objFile.Path
     Set objKeyFile = objFSO.GetFile(dictDlls.Item(objFile.Name))
     'WScript.Echo "date is " & objKeyFile.DateLastModified & " compared to " & objFile.DateLastModified
     If objKeyFile.DateLastModified < objFile.DateLastModified Then
      dictDlls.Item(objFile.Name) = objFile.Path
     End If
     dictDlls.Add objFile.Name, objFile.Path
    End If
    'WScript.Echo filePubKey
   End If
  End If
 For Each objSubFolder in objFolder.SubFolders
  GetDictOfDlls objSubFolder.Path, strExtSought
End Sub

Function GetFilePubKeyStr(ByVal fileName)
 dim snExe, snCmd, fullCmd, strLine, objExecObject
 snExe = """C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\sn.exe"""
 snCmd = "cmd /c """ & snExe & """ -T "
 fullCmd = snCmd & fileName
 Set objExecObject = objShell.Exec(fullCmd)
 Do While Not objExecObject.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
  strLine = objExecObject.StdOut.ReadLine()
  'Wscript.Echo strLine
  If InStr(strLine, "Public key token is ") then
   GetFilePubKeyStr = Right(strLine,16)
   'Wscript.Echo Right(strLine,16)
  end if

 Do While Not objExecObject.StdErr.AtEndOfStream
  Wscript.Echo objExecObject.StdErr.ReadLine()
End Function

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